Connect to a ClickHouse® cluster with CLI#

It’s recommended to connect to a ClickHouse® cluster with the ClickHouse® client. From this article, you’ll learn how to use the the ClickHouse® client command-line tool for that purpose.

Use the ClickHouse® client#

To use the ClickHouse® client across different operating systems, we recommend utilizing Docker. You can get the latest image of the ClickHouse server which contains the most recent ClickHouse client directly from the dedicated page in Docker hub.


There are other installation options available for ClickHouse clients for different operating systems. You can find them in ClickHouse local and Install ClickHouse in the official ClickHouse documentation.

Connection properties#

You will need to know the following properties to establish a secure connection with your Aiven for ClickHouse service: Host, Port, User and Password. You will find these in the Connection information section on the Overview page of your service in the Aiven web console.

Command template#

The command to connect to the service looks like this, substitute the placeholders for USERNAME, PASSWORD, HOST and PORT:

docker run -it \
--rm clickhouse/clickhouse-server clickhouse-client \
--user USERNAME \
--password PASSWORD \
--host HOST \
--port PORT \

This example includes the -it option (a combination of --interactive and --tty) to take you inside the container and the --rm option to automatically remove the container after exiting.

The other parameters, such as --user, --password, --host, --port, --secure, and --query are arguments accepted by the ClickHouse client. You can see the full list of command line options in the ClickHouse CLI documentation.

Once you’re connected to the server, you can type queries directly within the client, for example, to see the list of existing databases, run


Alternatively, sometimes you might want to run individual queries and be able to access the command prompt outside the docker container. In this case you can set --interactive and use --query parameter without entering the docker container:

docker run --interactive            \
--rm clickhouse/clickhouse-server clickhouse-client \
--user USERNAME                     \
--password PASSWORD                 \
--host HOST                         \
--port PORT                         \
--secure                            \

Similar to above example, you can request the list of present databases directly:

docker run --interactive            \
--rm clickhouse/clickhouse-server clickhouse-client \
--user USERNAME                     \
--password PASSWORD                 \
--host HOST                         \
--port PORT                         \
--secure                            \