Set up Azure virtual network peering#
This help article contains step-by-step instructions for setting up peering in Azure. See the Using VPC peering article for how to set up a Project VPC. This creates an isolated virtual network in the Aiven subscription where you can create services instead of the Aiven cloud’s public network.
Microsoft Azure uses the term Virtual Network
(VNet), which is the same as a Virtual Private Cloud
(VPC). We use the terms interchangeably in this article.
You can create VPC peering using Aiven Provider for Terraform as well.
Peer your network with the VPC#
For an Azure virtual network peering’s state to become connected between networks A and B, a peering must be created both from network A to B and from B to A. See this for an overview. In the case of Project VPCs, one of the networks is located in the Aiven subscription and the Aiven platform handles creating the peering from that network to the network you wish to peer. For this the Aiven platform’s Active Directory application object needs permissions in your subscription. Because the peering is between subscriptions with different AD tenants, an application object is also needed to your AD tenant, which can be used to create the peering from your network to Aiven once it’s been given permissions to do so.
Please install the Azure CLI as well as the Aiven CLI to follow this guide.
1. log in with an Azure admin account#
Using the Azure CLI:
az account clear
az login
This should open a window in your browser prompting to choose an Azure account to log in with. An account with at least the Application administrator role assignment will be needed for the later steps.
If you manage multiple Azure subscriptions, also configure the Azure CLI to default to the correct subscription for the subsequent commands. This is not needed if there’s only one subscription:
az account set --subscription <subscription name or id>
2. create application object#
Create an application object in your AD tenant. Using the Azure CLI, this can be done with:
az ad app create --display-name "<name of your choosing>" --sign-in-audience AzureADMultipleOrgs --key-type Password
This creates an entity to your AD that can be used to log into multiple
AD tenants ( --sign-in-audience AzureADMultipleOrgs
), but only the home
tenant (the tenant the app was created in) has the credentials to
authenticate the app. Save the appId
field from the output - this
will be referred to as $user_app_id
3. create a service principal for your app object#
Create a service principal for the app object you created. The service principal should be created to the Azure subscription the VNet you wish to peer is located in:
az ad sp create --id $user_app_id
This creates a service principal to your subscription that may given
permissions to peer your VNet. Save the id
field from the JSON
output - this will be referred to as $user_sp_id
. Notice that this
is different from the $user_app_id
value earlier, which is also
shown in the output.
4. set a password for your app object#
az ad app credential reset --id $user_app_id
Save the password
field from the output - this will be referred to
as $user_app_secret
5. find the id properties of your virtual network#
This can be found in the Azure portal in Virtual networks > name of your network > JSON View > Resource ID, or using
az network vnet list
Save the id
field which will be referred to as $user_vnet_id
Also grab
the Azure Subscription ID (Properties > Subscription ID) or the part after
in the resource ID. This is referred to as$user_subscription_id
the resource group name (Properties > Resource group) or the
field in the output. This is referred to as$user_resource_group
the VNet name (title of the network page), or the
field from the output. Save this for later as$user_vnet_name
should have the format
6. grant your service principal permissions to peer#
The service principal created in step 3 needs to be assigned a role that
has permission for the
action on the scope of your VNet. To limit the amount of permissions the
app object and service principal has, you can create a custom role with
just that permission. The built-in Network Contributor role includes
that permission, and can be found using the Azure CLI with
az role definition list --name "Network Contributor"
The id
field from the output will be used as
to assign the service principal that
az role assignment create --role $network_contributor_role_id --assignee-object-id $user_sp_id --scope $user_vnet_id
This allows the application object created earlier to manage the network
in the --scope
above. Since the application object is controlled by
you, it may also be given permission for the scope of an entire resource
group, or the whole subscription to allow create other peerings later
without assigning the role again for each VNet separately.
7. create a service principal for the Aiven application object#
The Aiven AD tenant contains an application object (similar to the one you created in step 2 that the Aiven platform uses to create a peering from the Project VPC VNet in the Aiven subscription to the VNet from step 5 in your subscription. For this the Aiven app object needs a service principal in your subscription:
az ad sp create --id 55f300d4-fc50-4c5e-9222-e90a6e2187fb
The argument to --id
field above is the ID of the Aiven application
object, this is a fix id and the command must be run like that. Save the id
field from the JSON output - (just above the info
field) - it will be
referred to as $aiven_sp_id
If this fails with the error “When using this permission, the backing application of the service principal being created must in the local tenant” then your account does not have the correct permissions. Please use an account with at least the Application administrator role assigned.
8. create a custom role for the Aiven application object#
The Aiven application now has a service principal that can be given permissions. In order to target a network in your subscription with a peering and nothing else, we’ll create a this a custom role definition, with only a single action allowing to do that and only that:
az role definition create --role-definition '{"Name": "<name of your choosing>", "Description": "Allows creating a peering to vnets in scope (but not from)", "Actions": ["Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/peer/action"], "AssignableScopes": ["/subscriptions/'$user_subscription_id'"]}'
Creating a custom role must include your subscription’s id in
. This in itself does not give permissions to your
subscription - it merely restricts which scopes a role assignment can
include. Save the id
field from the output - this will be referred
to as $aiven_role_id
9. assign the custom role to the Aiven service principal#
To give the Aiven application object’s service principal permissions to peer with your VNet, assign the role created in the previous step to the Aiven service principal (step 7) with the scope of your VNet (step 5) with
az role assignment create --role $aiven_role_id --assignee-object-id $aiven_sp_id --scope $user_vnet_id
10. find your AD tenant id#
The ID of your AD tenant will be needed in the next step. Find it from the Azure portal from Azure Active Directory > Properties > Directory ID or with the Azure CLI using
az account list
saving the tenantId
field from the output. It will be referred to as
11. create a peering connection from the Aiven Project VPC#
This leads to the Aiven platform creating a peering from the VNet in the
Aiven Project VPC to the VNet in your subscription. In addition it will
create a service principal for the application object in your tenant (
--peer-azure-app-id $user_app_id
) giving it permission to target
the Aiven subscription VNet with a peering. Your AD tenant ID is also
needed in order for the Aiven application object to authenticate with
your tenant to give it access to the service principal created in step 7
( --peer-azure-tenant-id $user_tenant_id
is the ID of the Aiven Project VPC, and can
be found with avn vpc list
avn vpc peering-connection create --project-vpc-id $aiven_project_vpc_id --peer-cloud-account $user_subscription_id --peer-resource-group $user_resource_group --peer-vpc $user_vnet_name --peer-azure-app-id $user_app_id --peer-azure-tenant-id $user_tenant_id
Note that the arguments starting with $user_
should be given in
lower case. Azure resource names are case-agnostic, but the Aiven API
currently only accepts names in lower case. If no error is shown, the
peering connection is being set up by the Aiven platform.
12. wait for the Aiven platform to set up the connection#
Run the following command until the state is no longer APPROVED
avn vpc peering-connection get -v --project-vpc-id $aiven_project_vpc_id --peer-cloud-account $user_subscription_id --peer-resource-group $user_resource_group --peer-vpc $user_vnet_name
be shown if the VNet specified in the previous step did not exist, or
the Aiven app object wasn’t given permissions to peer with it. If that
occurs, check your configuration and then recreate the peering
connection in step 12PENDING_PEER
within a couple of minutes showing details to set up the peering
connection from your VNet to the Project VPC’s VNet in the Aiven
subscription.Save the to-tenant-id
field from the output. It will be referred to
as the aiven_tenant_id
later. The to-network-id
field from the
output is referred to as the $aiven_vnet_id
13. create peering from your VNet to the VNet of the project VPC#
Log out the Azure user you logged in with in step 1 using
az account clear
Log in the application object you created with in step 2 to your AD tenant with
az login --service-principal -u $user_app_id -p $user_app_secret --tenant $user_tenant_id
Log in the same application object to the Aiven AD tenant
az login --service-principal -u $user_app_id -p $user_app_secret --tenant $aiven_tenant_id
Now that your application object has a session with both AD tenants, create a peering from your VNet to the VNet in the Aiven subscription with
az network vnet peering create --name <peering name of your choosing> --remote-vnet $aiven_vnet_id --vnet-name $user_vnet_name --resource-group $user_resource_group --subscription $user_subscription_id --allow-vnet-access
Note that without --allow-vnet-access
no traffic is allowed to flow
from the peered VNet and Aiven services cannot be reached through the
peering. After the peering has been created the peering should be in
state connected
In case you get the error below, it’s possible the role assignment from step 6 hasn’t taken effect yet. If that is the case, try logging in again and creating the peering again after waiting a bit by repeating the commands in this step. If the error message persists, please check the role assignment in step 6 was correct.
The client '<random uuid>' with object id '<another random uuid>' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/virtualNetworkPeerings/write' over scope '$user_vnet_id' If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials.
14. wait until the Aiven peering connection is active#
The Aiven platform polls peering connections in state PENDING_PEER
regularly to see if the peer (your subscription) has created a peering
connection to the Aiven Project VPC’s VNet. Once this is detected, the
state changes from PENDING_PEER
. After this services
in the Project VPC can be reached through the peering. To check if the
peering connection is ACTIVE
, run the same Aiven CLI
avn vpc peering-connection get
command from step 12. In some cases it has taken up to 15 minutes for the state to update:
avn vpc peering-connection get -v --project-vpc-id $aiven_project_vpc_id --peer-cloud-account $user_subscription_id --peer-resource-group $user_resource_group --peer-vpc $user_vnet_name