About querying external data in Aiven for ClickHouse®#

Discover federated queries and their capabilities in Aiven for ClickHouse®. Check why you might need to use them, for example, how they simplify and speed up migrating into Aiven from external data sources. Learn how federated queries work and how you can run them properly.

About federated queries#

Federated queries allow communication between Aiven for ClickHouse and S3-compatible object storages and web resources. The federated queries feature in Aiven for ClickHouse enables you to read and pull data from an external object storage that uses the S3 integration engine, or any web resource accessible over HTTP.


The federated queries feature in Aiven for ClickHouse is enabled by default.

Why use federated queries#

There are a few reasons why you might want to use federated queries:

  • Query remote data from your ClickHouse service. Ingest it into Aiven for ClickHouse or only reference external data sources as part of an analytics query. In the context of an increasing footprint of connected data sources, federated queries can help you better understand how your customers use your products.

  • Simplify and speed up the import of your data into the Aiven for ClickHouse instance from a legacy data source, avoiding a long and sometimes complex migration path.

  • Improve the migration of data in Aiven for ClickHouse, and extend analysis over external data sources with a relatively low effort in comparison to enabling distributed tables and the remote and remoteSecure functionalities.


The remote() and remoteSecure() features are designed to read from remote data sources or provide the ability to create a distributed table across remote data sources but they are not designed to read from an external S3 storage.

How it works#

To run a federated query, the ClickHouse service user connecting to the cluster requires grants to the S3 and/or URL sources. The main service user is granted access to the sources by default, and new users can be allowed to use the sources via the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE grant, which is required for both sources.

See also

For more information on how to enable new users to use the sources, check Access and permissions.

Federated queries read from external S3-compatible object storage utilizing the ClickHouse S3 engine. Once you read from a remote S3-compatible storage, you can select from that storage and insert into a table in the Aiven local instance, enabling migration of data into Aiven.

See also

For more details on how to run federated querie in Aiven for ClickHouse, check Read and pull data from S3 object storages and web resources over HTTP.


  • Federated queries in Aiven for ClickHouse only support S3-compatible object storage providers for the time being. More external data sources coming soon!

  • Virtual tables are only supported for URL sources, using the URL table engine. Stay tuned for us supporting the S3 table engine in the future!