About scaling M3#

M3 scales horizontally up to a really large number of nodes (at least in the low hundreds in a single cluster, and thousands overall); if you run out of resources in M3DB, you can always add more nodes (or change to larger nodes). The same applies also to M3Aggregator nodes.

The most important thing when managing resources is to understand how to make good use of the resources in use, and understand the implications of making changes such as adding more namespaces, or ingesting more data. This article outlines how resources are used and makes some recommendations about making good use of resources and managing load.

Disk usage (M3DB only)#

M3DB writes data on disk for each one of the following:

  • commit log (every point written)

  • snapshot (condensed versions of future blocks when they are still open)

  • fileset (historic data covering blocks to which data can no longer be inserted)

  • index

They all scale based on number of points in the database. However, each namespace stores its data on the disk separately, so having namespaces with overlapping retention periods will add to the storage space since the data is stored repeatedly.


M3Aggregator and M3Coordinator do not store anything on disk, they keep state in a shared etcd cluster.

Example configuration#

We can use the disk space used by the unaggregated namespace over time as a basis for calculating how much space the aggregated namespaces will need. This example uses namespaces configured as follows:




Block size

Unaggregated (U)

1 week

15 sec

2 hours

Aggregated A (A)

4 weeks

5 min

4 hours

Aggregated B (B)

8 weeks

1 hour

12 hours

The unaggregated namespace will grow at a constant rate for 1 week and then remain at that size since the older data is not retained.

Namespace A stores the data at 5 minute intervals, so one data point represents 20 data points from the original namespace. We know that 1 week of namespace A therefore takes up 1/20 of the storage that 1 week of the unaggregated namespace does.

Namespace B stores the data at hourly intervals, so takes 1/240 of the space that the unaggregated namespace uses over a week.

Since the retention data is kept for different amounts of time, we can estimate the disk space needed as each namespace’s size multiplied by the number of weeks we keep the data for:

( 1 + ( 4 * 1/20 ) + ( 8 * 1/240 ) ) * the space needed for the unaggregated namespace )

Spoiler: it’s about 25% more storage than the unaggregated namespace by itself for this example

Block size duration#

M3DB has a concept of block size duration. This option is configurable by namespace, and cannot be changed after the namespace has been created. A longer block size makes better use of disk, but incurs a memory usage penalty as more of the data is held in memory before the block is written.

Read more about this configuration in the M3DB documentation.

Number of files#

There is a limit to the number of files that each Aiven M3DB node can support. The number of files increases with the number of block shards that your namespace configuration requires. To increase the number of total blocks available, we recommend increasing the number of nodes in your setup.

CPU usage#

CPU usage generally scales with the amount of work done; the number of operations (especially if having to open new SSL connections) contributes significantly, as does the data mass described above. In general:

  • M3Aggregators are not particularly CPU bound.

  • M3Coordinator’s main resource that is used is CPU. However, if there is some sort of network congestion and requests pile up, the memory usage can also spike.

Adding more nodes to provide more CPU resource is our recommended strategy,

Memory usage#

The memory usage of M3 is the most difficult aspect of scaling. It consists of:

  • fixed base cost (of the order of hundreds of megabytes if configured with small or no pools)

  • per-request overhead (main cost in M3Coordinator)

  • cached data for queries

  • storing data being aggregated in memory (Only applicable if aggregated namespaces are configured, in which case the impact is seen in M3Aggregator - or a more significant impact in M3Coordinator if M3Aggregator is not in use)

  • storing data for the current block, that is not yet written to disk (represents the main memory impact in M3DB)

The first three are fairly steady, regardless of configuration settings or points stored. However, the last two are the ones that cause the majority of scalability problems. Both the data being stored for aggregation and the data in current blocks (not yet persisted to disk as filesets) scale linearly with:

  • number of time series

  • number of configured namespaces

  • number of points within single block

For efficient on-disk storage, M3’s default recommendation is to have about 720 points per block. So for 15 second intervals, that would indicate 180 minutes, or 3 hours, per block. For longer lived namespaces this rule of thumb may lead to too much data being kept in memory. For example, if there is a point per day then that would indicate keeping a block open for two years, which we would not recommend. Instead, set the block size duration to be a day, or at the very most, a few days.

Given a consistent amount of points per second coming in, the memory usage can be reduced by:

  • having smaller block size duration (disk usage will grow faster)

  • having fewer namespaces

  • filtering data that gets to aggregated namespaces

M3Aggregator will also hold a subset of this data; the unaggregated namespace will not be included.

Scaling recommendations#

Have as few namespaces as you can, with as few points per block as you can afford (to minimize memory usage) to achieve what you want. Or filter the data that enters namespaces. If dealing only with short-term data, avoiding aggregation altogether may be the most resource effective choice.

Real-world example: Aiven production configuration#

At the moment we use with 30 second typical scrape interval with following namespace configuration:

  • 2 day unaggregated namespace, and

  • 1 month aggregated namespace with 10min resolution

This approach to aggregation does increase the CPU and memory usage in comparison to just keeping the unaggregated data for longer, but our disk usage is much smaller.