Connect to Aiven for MySQL® using MySQLx with Python#
Enabling the MySQLx protocol support allows you to use your MySQL instance as a document store. This example shows how to connect to your Aiven for MySQL® instance using MySQLx protocol.
MySQL initially provided support for X-DevAPI (MySQLx) in v5.7.12 as an optional extension that you can install. On the MySQL v8.0+, the X-DevAPI is supported by default.
Variable |
Description |
Service URI from Aiven Console > the Overview page of your service > the Connection information section > the MySQLx tab |
User from Aiven Console > the Overview page of your service > the Connection information section > the MySQLx tab |
Password from Aiven Console > the Overview page of your service > the Connection information section > the MySQLx tab |
Python 3.7 or later
python library installed:pip install mysql-connector-python
An Aiven account with an Aiven for MySQL service running
Set environment variable
to avoid issues described on Protocol buffers docs. If you are running Python from the command line, you can set this in your terminal:export PROTOCOL_BUFFERS_PYTHON_IMPLEMENTATION=python
Add the following to
and replace the placeholders with values for your project:
import mysqlx
connection_data = f"mysqlx://{MYSQLX_USER}:{MYSQLX_PASSWORD}@{SERVICE_URI}/defaultdb?ssl-mode=REQUIRED"
session = mysqlx.get_session(connection_data)
# create a test schema
schema = session.create_schema("test")
# create a new collection in the schema
collection = schema.create_collection("food_prices")
# add entries to this collection
{"type": "pizza", "price": "10e"},
{"type": "burger", "price": "5e"},
# read it back
for doc in collection.find().execute().fetch_all():
print(f"Found document: {doc}")
This code creates a MySQL client and connects to the database via the MySQLx protocol. It creates a schema, a collection, inserts some entries, fetches them, and prints the output.
If the script runs successfully, the output will be the values that were inserted into the document:
Found document: {"_id": "000062c55a6b0000000000000001", "type": "pizza", "price": "10e"}
Found document: {"_id": "000062c55a6b0000000000000002", "type": "burger", "price": "5e"}
Now that your application is connected, you are all set to use Python with Aiven for MySQL using the MySQLx protocol.