Handle resolution errors of private IP addresses#

When an Aiven service is placed in a VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), the DNS hostname of the service will resolve to a private IP address within the VPC’s network address range. Any application connecting to the service needs to be on the same VPC.

Some DNS resolvers used in office and home networks block the resolution of external hostnames to private IP addresses, known as DNS-rebinding protection.

If the hostname of a service in a VPC cannot be resolved, this can be due to DNS-rebinding protection on your network. To verify this assumption:

  1. Enable public access to your service. If the public- prefixed hostname of the service resolves successfully, then the problem is with the private IP.

  2. Request the hostname using a known resolver such as Google Public DNS at This has no rebinding protection so serves as a good test. You can use the dig command:

    dig +short myservice-myproject.aivencloud.com @
  3. Compare the output of the above command with the response from your default DNS resolver:

    dig +short myservice-myproject.aivencloud.com
  4. If the response from your default DNS resolver does not return the same IP address as the earlier test, then your default DNS resolver is blocking the resolution.

The recommended fix for this issue is to configure your DNS resolver (normally a server for offices, or a home router for home networks) to allow the resolution of hostnames in the Aiven service domain, aivencloud.com, to bypass the DNS-rebinding protection.


It is preferable to allow a single domain to bypass the DNS-rebinding if your DNS resolver allows it, instead of disabling DNS-rebinding protection entirely.